The Agilent 7010B Triple Quadrupole GC/MS is equipped with a high-efficiency EI source that produces at least 20 times as many ions as the previous generation, making it the most sensitive GC/TQ you can get from the market leader – Agilent. In addition, the dynamic MRM (dMRM) mode of acquisition provides ease of use and efficiency, and if you already own a 5975 or 5977 GC/MSD from Agilent, you can load your GC/MSD SIM and scan methods straight onto the 7010B if desired.
● Maximize your lab’s capabilities by creating and editing acquisition methods easier than ever before with the NEW dMRM Acquisition Mode
● Increase your lab’s capacity with the NEW Single Quad Method Compatibility – Load and execute GC/MSD methods, increasing your lab’s capacity to handle samples requiring SIM or scan acquisition.
● Improved sensitivity with the High-Efficiency EI Ion Source – This unique EI source delivers astonishingly low detection limits. Demonstrated installation specification, with 2 fg OFN injected: IDL ≤ 0.5fg.
● MassHunter Software delivers complete control from tune to report generation while streamlining your workflow.
● Enhance mass spec performance by reducing common contaminants, neutral noise and cool down time with Heated Gold Quadrupoles, Triple-Axis HED-EM Detector and Fast Venting.
● Using the Agilent JetClean self-cleaning ion source, you can greatly reduce or even eliminate the need for manual source cleaning
● Drive productivity with the NEW 8890 GC’s built-in intelligence for diagnostics and monitoring, and simplified access to powerful operations through the integrated touchscreen and browser interface
● Advanced GC Technologies including Inert Flow Path, Capillary Flow Technology, and the Programmable Helium Conservation Module help optimize your GC/MS system.
● Transfer methods anywhere- Retention Time Locking software reproduces retention times from one Agilent GC to another to help transfer methods anywhere, worldwide.
● Reduce energy costs with the Sleep/Wake Mode- In sleep mode, you can reduce your energy costs and the system scheduler will wake the GC/MS and ready it for your next work day.
● Save time and money - with significant streamlining of sample prep procedures and reduction of sample injection volume for reduced routine maintenance requirements.
● Maximize uptime and planned maintenance with Integrated GC/MS system features and Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF) that align and monitor GC/MS operations.