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Agilent 7010B Triple Quadrupole GC/MS

The most sensitive version of Agilent’s compact benchtop triple quad (MS/MS) systems

The most sensitive version of Agilent’s compact benchtop triple quad (MS/MS) systems

Providing attogram detection limits in Electron Ionization (EI) mode. The breakthrough in sensitivity allows you to optimize sample preparation, reduce maintenance cycles by injecting less, or achieve new detection limits.

System description

The Agilent 7010B Triple Quadrupole GC/MS is equipped with a high-efficiency EI source that produces at least 20 times as many ions as the previous generation, making it the most sensitive GC/TQ you can get from the market leader – Agilent. In addition, the dynamic MRM (dMRM) mode of acquisition provides ease of use and efficiency, and if you already own a 5975 or 5977 GC/MSD from Agilent, you can load your GC/MSD SIM and scan methods straight onto the 7010B if desired.

  • ● Maximize your lab’s capabilities by creating and editing acquisition methods easier than ever before with the NEW dMRM Acquisition Mode
  • ● Increase your lab’s capacity with the NEW Single Quad Method Compatibility – Load and execute GC/MSD methods, increasing your lab’s capacity to handle samples requiring SIM or scan acquisition.
  • ● Improved sensitivity with the High-Efficiency EI Ion Source – This unique EI source delivers astonishingly low detection limits. Demonstrated installation specification, with 2 fg OFN injected: IDL ≤ 0.5fg.
  • ● MassHunter Software delivers complete control from tune to report generation while streamlining your workflow.
  • ● Enhance mass spec performance by reducing common contaminants, neutral noise and cool down time with Heated Gold Quadrupoles, Triple-Axis HED-EM Detector and Fast Venting.
  • ● Using the Agilent JetClean self-cleaning ion source, you can greatly reduce or even eliminate the need for manual source cleaning
  • ● Drive productivity with the NEW 8890 GC’s built-in intelligence for diagnostics and monitoring, and simplified access to powerful operations through the integrated touchscreen and browser interface
  • ● Advanced GC Technologies including Inert Flow Path, Capillary Flow Technology, and the Programmable Helium Conservation Module help optimize your GC/MS system.
  • ● Transfer methods anywhere- Retention Time Locking software reproduces retention times from one Agilent GC to another to help transfer methods anywhere, worldwide.
  • ● Reduce energy costs with the Sleep/Wake Mode- In sleep mode, you can reduce your energy costs and the system scheduler will wake the GC/MS and ready it for your next work day.
  • ● Save time and money - with significant streamlining of sample prep procedures and reduction of sample injection volume for reduced routine maintenance requirements.
  • ● Maximize uptime and planned maintenance with Integrated GC/MS system features and Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF) that align and monitor GC/MS operations.

Product Specialist

Dag Dacke Kovalent

Dag Dacke

"Our expert in CTC PAL know-how and programming, and more than 20 years experience in the field of chromatography. Contact me if you have questions or need a quotation"

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