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ChromNAV Chromatography Software

The “PowerTool” for HPLC Analysis

ChromNAV 2.0 HPLC software is the latest Chromatography Data System (CDS) with a host of exciting new features. Using the customizable graphical-user-interface (GUI), the system can be quickly set up to display only the functions necessary for your application. The user can easily learn the operation and explore the extensive functionality for control and data processing.

ChromNAV 2.0

ChromNAV Chromatography Software


ChromNAV 2.0 is a universal CDS which can be used with any type of analytical separation, including: HPLC, UHPLC, SFC and preparative HPLC & SFC. ChromNAV MS also includes integrated control of a single quadrapole MS detector for both LC and SFC

Powerful System Control for Method Development

ChromNAV 2.0 offers flexible system control and data acquisition with options for 2D (or up to 4D) gradient control and multi-zone oven control (up to 3) for method development. Solvent and column selection has been increased to include up to 10 positions for both. During acquisition, the run-time for a chromatogram can be increased to capture later eluting peaks that may exceed the set run-time.

Data Rich

During acquisition a ‘known’ chromatogram can be overlaid for visual comparison with the currently separation, as a quick indicator to the user of the reliability current separation.The fluorescence and UV-visible detectors both include the spectral scanning, which can be triggered manually, by time or by threshold. Data acquisition and analysis for PDA detectors are included as standard in ChromNAV. A newly added feature is the ability to send an automated email to your PC or smartphone with an update on the progress of the sequence.


As part of JASCO’s commitment to Green Energy, the LC-4000 Series includes both ‘power off’ for the flow, lamp, column oven etc at the end of the sequence, and a ‘soft-off’ function to automatically completely shut down selected modules to save energy.
ChromNAV Chromatography Software

Control Method

The pump flow rate and gradient profile display is flexible and can be overlaid with a chromatogram for adjusting gradient conditions.The pump flow rate and gradient profile display is flexible and can be overlaid with a chromatogram for adjusting gradient conditions.

ChromNAV Chromatography Software

PDA Analysis

PDA data processing is included as standard. Data is displayed in 2-D and 3-D contour plot with simultaneous overlay of spectra and chromatograms. Extract chromatograms at single or multiple wavelengths for quantitation.

ChromNav 2.0 Standard Features

  • Peak integration and identification
  • Peak grouping
  • Linear and non-linear quantitation
  • 3D chromatogram analysis
  • Spectral analysis for UV-visible, Fluorescence and PDA detectors
  • Style report generator
  • User calculation

All raw data is protected and saved, which can then be analyzed and re-analyzed, reported and saved with both the raw data and any data processing from the user’s analysis

.A comprehensive audit trail records the acquisition method along with a history of instrument performance indicators in each sample data file, which provides the user a snap-shot of the condition of the system during the run and can warn about requirements for impending maintenance.

ChromNAV 2.0 Optional Application Modules

  • ChromNAV CFR for 21 CFR Part 11 compliance and electronic registration of data.
  • ChromNAV GPC for estimating molecular weight dispersion from retention time.
  • ChromNAV FC for fraction collection control (can be used for both LC and SFC fractionation).

  • ChromNAV MS control of single quadrapole MS detector with ESI or APCI sources.
  • Molecular weight dispersion of low molecular weight heparin FUMI theory (Function of Mutual Information) for theoretical precision analysis.



Molecular weight distribution program ChromNAV GPC/SEC calculation program for GPC analysis
ChromNAV Fraction Collection view

ChromNAV Fraction Collection view

ChromNAV-FC fraction collector control for the CHF-122SC fraction collector (option)

ChromNAV-FC for Preparative HPLC

The optional ChromNAV-FC fraction collector control is available as part of the Prep-HPLC kit and provides ChromNAV with the capability to control the LC-4000 Series preparative HPLC system for fraction collection.The optional ChromNAV-FC fraction collector control is available as part of the Prep-HPLC kit and provides ChromNAV with the capability to control the LC-4000 Series preparative HPLC system for fraction collection.

ChromNAV-FC offers control for two different capacity fraction collectors, with advanced fractionation algorithms for peak collection, using time, threshold and slope, and can even be programmed to use data collected simultaneously from multiple detectors such as UV-visible, refractive index or circular dichroism. Fraction simulation uses an acquired chromatogram to develop the fraction collection parameters and the graphical display can be used to locate peaks of interest in the fraction collector tray.

ChromNAV-FC also supports additional functions for prep-HPLC applications, including automatic multi-channel fractions, fraction repeat and fraction re-cycle.
ChromNAV-FC for Preparative HPLC