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HPTLC instruments for qualitative and quantitative analyses

HPTLC instruments for qualitative and quantitative analyses

It comprises the use of chromatographic layers of utmost separation efficiency and the employment of state-of-the-art instrumentation for all steps in the procedure: precise sample application, standardized reproducible chromatogram development and software controlled evaluation

System description

HPTLC is an entire concept that includes a widely standardized methodology based on scientific facts as well as the use of validated methods for qualitative and quantitative analysis. HPTLC meets all quality requirements of today’s analytical labs, even in a fully regulated environment.

As opposed to other separation techniques, the inital costs for an HPTLC system as well as maintenance, and costs per sample are comparatively low. The possibility of visual evaluation of separated samples on the plate is one of the most valuable aspects of TLC. It reaches a completely new dimension in HPTLC through the use of state-of-the-art techniques for generating and evaluating digital images.

  • ● No sample preparation! Just apply your sample(s) on the plate
  • ● Run many samples in parallell
  • ● View and compare several samples or standards towards eachother in real time
  • ● Revover sample or compunds directly from plate
  • ● Attach MS-interface for direct transfer of compounds into LCMS-system
  • ● Compare separation pattern to databases for Herbs and other species. 

Product Specialist

Dag Dacke Kovalent

Dag Dacke

"Our expert in CTC PAL know-how and programming, and more than 20 years experience in the field of chromatography. Contact me for if you have questions or need a quotation"

0707-31 90 09


Sample Application

The samples are applied onto the plate either as spots or as bands. Precision of the applied volume, exact positioning and compactness of application zone determine the quality of the final result. It can be done manuallyor semi-automatet with with Nanomat 4 or Linomat 5. Fully automatic with ATS 4 autosampler.

Chromatogram Development

The mobile phase is drawn through the stationary phase by capillary action. Samples are separated into their components which remain in their position on the layer after the mobile phase has been evaporated. Chromatography is affected by the gas phase in the chromatographic chamber.


Substances without chromophores or color can be visualized or made detectable through derivatization. The required reagents are transferred onto the chromatogram by spaying or immersion.

Chromatogram Evaluation

The chromatogram is evaluated under white or ultraviolet light. Options range from visual inspection of electronic images to quantitative determinations using scanning densitometry. For documentation electronic images are easy to capture and to archive. They can be reproduced on screen without changes over time and thus compared with current images. TLC-MS and bioluminescence expand the capability of TLC.


For electronic image acquisition the camera – like the human eye – captures polychromatic visible light. Under white light illumination it is the light reflected from the layer background. Under long-wavelength UV light (366 nm) it is the light emitted by fluorescent substances. When short-wavelength UV light (254 nm) is used, substances absorbing UV 254 nm appear as dark zones, provided the layer contains a fluorescence indicator (fluorescence quenching). The TLC Visualizer 2 is CAMAG’s imaging and documentation system operated with visionCATS. visionCATS enables an image-based evaluation of chromatograms for quantitative evaluation. The strength of the electronic image acquisition is the overview of the complete chromatogram.

TLC Scanner 4

The spectral range of the CAMAG TLC Scanner 4 is 190–900 nm. Reflected light is measured either in the absorbance or in the fluorescence mode. From the acquired data quantitative results are computed with high precision and spectral selectivity.
With the TLC Scanner 4 absorption spectra can be recorded. The strengths of classical densitometry as compared with image evaluation are spectral selectivity and the higher precision of quantitative determinations.

TLC- MS-Interface

Through the pioneering concept of hyphenating High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry unequivocal substance identification is possible. The CAMAG TLC-MS Interface 2 can be installed plug & play with any LC-MS system without adjustments or mass spectrometer modifications. Depending on the MS system, a substance can be identified within a minute via its mass spectrum, or for an unknown substance zone, the respective sum formula can be obtained. Furthermore, interesting zones can be eluted into vials for further investigations with, e.g., NMR, (ATR-)FTIR, ESI-MS, and MALDI-MS.