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Camag TLC

Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC) is a simple, flexible and cost efficient separation technique

Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC) is a simple, flexible and cost efficient separation technique for both qualitative and quantitative analysis

A separation technique for both qualitative and quantitative analysis, enabling simultaneous analysis of many substances with minimal time requirement. TLC can be performed manually in easy and inexpensive ways. Therefore it is found in almost all laboratories as a convenient tool for simple and rapid separations. As the expectations grow concerning quality and value of an analysis, there are suitable instruments available for all steps of TLC.

System description

Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC) is a well-known technique in laboratories for ages. It can be performed in a very easy way without the need for advanced equipment. Samples can be attached by hand to the TLC-plate. Separation is performed in a development chamber by using a mobile phase. Plate is dryed and evaluated by human eye or in a chamber under UV-light. Sometmes a derivatisation step is needed in-between.
  • ● No sample preparation! Just apply your sample(s) on the plate
  • ● Run many samples in parallell
  • ● View and compare several samples or standards towards eachother in real time
  • ● Revover sample or compunds directly from plate
  • ● Attach MS-interface for direct transfer of compounds into LCMS-system
  • ● Compare separation pattern to databases for Herbs and other species. 

Product Specialist

Dag Dacke Kovalent

Dag Dacke

"Our expert in CTC PAL know-how and programming, and more than 20 years experience in the field of chromatography. Contact me for if you have questions or need a quotation"

0707-31 90 09


Sample Application

The samples are applied onto the plate either as spots or as bands. Precision of the applied volume, exact positioning and compactness of application zone determine the quality of the final result. It can be done manuallyor semi-automatet with with Nanomat 4 or Linomat 5.

Chromatogram Development

The mobile phase is drawn through the stationary phase by capillary action. Samples are separated into their components which remain in their position on the layer after the mobile phase has been evaporated. Chromatography is affected by the gas phase in the chromatographic chamber.


Substances without chromophores or color can be visualized or made detectable through derivatization. The required reagents are transferred onto the chromatogram by spaying or immersion.

Chromatogram Evaluation

The chromatogram is evaluated under white or ultraviolet light.