Taking productivity and performance to new heights
ETHOS Lean Compact Microwave Digestion.
ETHOS EASY is the most advanced yet easy to use microwave digestion platform we have ever manufactured
ETHOS UP have all benefits from Ethos Easy plus more!.
The game changer in microwave digestion
Fully automated single reaction chamber microwave digestion system
Flexibility and performance that make the difference
Automated Dosing Station
Quartz sub-boiling distillation system
PTFE sub-boiling distillation system
Acid steam cleaning system
Ultratrace Inserts for low blank levels
Fast ashing in minutes instead of hours!
Over 90% Time Saving for Microwave Ashing
Advanced Flexible Microwave Synthesis Platform
The Game Changer in Microwave Assisted Synthesis
Total Fat Determination in Foodstuffs
Microwave Green Extraction of Natural Products
Advanced Microwave Extraction System for Environmental Laboratories
Samples submitted for GC and HPLC analysis require pre-treatment
The basic model of CDS's 6th generation Pyroprobes
Model 6200 Pyroprobe adds in an analytical trap to enable collecting analytes using slow rate pyrolysis
The Drop-In-Sample-Chamber (DISC) is a novel accessory module for the 6000 series Pyroprobes
TThe 6000 series autosampler module provides hands-free and worry-free analysis for an infinite number of samples
Single-tube thermal desorption unit with unmatched upgradability
Multi-tube thermal desorber for high-throughput automated analysis
Multi-tube thermal desorber with advanced upgrade options
Multi-tube thermal desorber with advanced re-collection options
The PAL RTC with Robotic Tool Change is the logical (r)evolution of the successful PAL-xt product line.
The PAL RSI is the robust workhorse for analytical labs.
Robust and reliable sample handling.
To maximize productivity the PAL DHR performs tasks with two heads in parallel.
Addittional modules for automation of different tasks.
Tools that can be automatically changed during run on RTC and manually on RSI
Smart Syringes, SPME-fibers and more
Easy to use routine software
Fully Automated Sample Preparation instrument for rapid extraction of solid dose forms, gels, and liquids.
The Most Compact High-Performance Sample Concentrator
The ultimate in solvent removal technology.
For drying or concentrating very large volumes.
Space saving –one Rocket replaces several rotary evaporators.
Labtech Nitrogen evaporators or nitrogen blowdown concentrators
With an innovative and ergonomic design
From Micro to Large Capacity High-speed
World's first Purge and Trap tool for CTC PAL autosamplers
CDS's reliable Purge and Trap concentrator
CDS's 2nd generation Purge and Trap autosampler for both water and soil samples
CDS's 2nd generation Purge and Trap autosampler (water only) with improved precision
Flexible UHPLC with online SPE front end
Flexible UHPLC with online SPE front end for research & development
Powerful UHPLC with 1000 bar online SPE for routine application
Workstation for efficient determination of glyphosate in foodstuff