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NEW - ultraWAVE 3

Taking productivity and performance to new heights

Taking productivity and performance to new heights

The new ultraWAVE 3 is the latest generation of SRC technology that further elevates the value of this technology for elemental analysis in terms of performance, time, workflow, and cost of ownership.

Single Reaction Chamber Technology

Updated construction that includes several technology advances further enhances the well-proven benefits of the SRC technology.
The new features of ultraWAVE 3 merge with those already intrinsic in the technology, so that labs will experience higher performance, greater productivity, and more streamlined workflow, providing them with improved competitiveness and a lower cost of ownership.
Thanks to its superior digestion capabilities that result from its higher temperature and pressure capabilities, ultraWAVE’s unique SRC technology provides greater digestion efficiency, making it an ideal solution to address these challenges.
Several aspects of the system, such as reduced handling and cleaning and the ability to process any samples simultaneously, streamline the daily routine of the lab, reducing turnaround time and increasing lab efficiency.

  • Benefits

  • Rugged construction - Designed with all wetted components made of PTFE-TFM, fully compatible with any acid mixture and ensuring minimal maintenance to lower the cost of ownership.
    High-pressure lines.

  • High-pressure lines - Made of acid-resistant stainless steel, the two pressure lines, one for inlet and one for outlet, ensure high safety and lower blanks.

  • Racks - Available with racks of 7, 20, 27 and 40 vials to provide even higher throughput than previous generations.

  • easyTEMP Temperature control - True contactless temperature sensor to directly control the digestion of the samples from the inside out, without reading delays.

  • Advanced heating technology - The noiseless water-cooled magnetron ensures higher heating efficiency along with superior working conditions.

  • ● User interface - Equipped with the most up-to-date features to bring all digestion information within easy reach of the operator.

Product Specialist

Mikael Alfredsson - Kovalent

Mikael Alfredsson

"Our expert in Digestion, Extraction, Syntesis and Evaporation with more than 20 years experience in the field of sales and service. Contact me for if you have questions or need a quotation"



The more rigorous digestion conditions facilitate complete decomposition of the sample, ensuring that all target elements are in solution, even for the toughest and most chemically stable samples.


The use of low acid volumes or diluted acids in combination with high temperature reduces blank levels and dilution factors.


Complete digestion of the sample matrix also ensures the lowest residual carbon content thereby reducing polyatomic-based interferences during the analysis.


The combination of wide pressure range and accurate digestion control enables the safe digestion of larger sample masses - even for very reactive samples.

Easy-to-use technology

For optimized workflow

At the heart of ultraWAVE 3 is the Single Reaction Chamber (SRC), a stainless-steel reactor with a high-purity PTFE-TFM liner and cover, which serves as both microwave cavity and digestion vessel. Samples and reagents are placed in vials and racks, lowered into the PTFE-TFM liner containing a water-based solution, and then the reactor is closed (1). The water-based load homogenizes the temperature regardless of the sample and acid mixtures in the vials. After the chamber is closed it is pre-pressurised with inert gas to prevent boiling of the reagents, loss of elements, and sample cross-contamination (2). Microwave heating starts and the digestion cycle is continuously controlled in all vials using an advanced contactless temperature sensor (3). An integrated water-cooling circuit maintains the stainless steel chamber at a reduced temperature. At the end of the heating cycle, it promotes rapid cooling of the digestion vials, which is followed by automatic venting of the chamber (4). The reactor is then opened and the digested sample solutions are ready for dilution and analysis.


The development of a truly impactful next-generation SRC-based microwave digestion system required the examination of every aspect of the hardware, software, user experience, and economics of the existing system.
ultraWAVE 3 is the culmination of a multitude of both major and minor changes that impact each of these aspects in meaningful ways.

Accelerating elemental analysis workflow


The vials and racks of ultraWAVE 3 are specifically designed to reduce assembly and disassembly time. The operator has only to place loose-fitting caps on the vials and the rack is ready for the digestion process. This approach eliminates the operator time required for closing and opening of the vessels, typically involved with the rotor-based systems.
The wide selection of racks and vials enables to match the detection limit, productivity, and application requirements of modern laboratories. Racks are available with different capacities to fit any sample type and mass. Vials are available in high-purity PTFE-TFM, high-purity quartz, and common laboratory glass (disposable) to address the detection limit and application needs of every lab.



Rotor-based systems require digestion vessels with a complex construction to contain the elevated pressure within each vessel. Conversely, the SRC approach ensures equal pressures between the inside and outside of the vials, so vials can withstand elevated pressures using a much simpler construction. Thanks to this unique capability, the SRC technology even enables the use of inexpensive disposable glass tubes. This approach is commonly implemented for more routine applications and allows complete elimination of the tedious vessel cleaning step and concern for potential memory effects.
ultraWAVE 3 reduces hands-on labor time up to 50%. Several steps are done automatically by the system, such as the closing and venting of the chamber and automatic sealing of the vials, which reduces the operator time, raises the productivity and the safety of operation.


The ultraWAVE 3 user interface supports fast and easy operation. For a routine digestion, beginning the process only requires few seconds: open the method and press “start”. Single Reaction Chamber technology enables the use of a single method for the majority of sample types encountered in a typical lab. All the digestion parameters are automatically controlled by the system through a PID algorithm and are reported in the graph page as well as listed on the side bar present in all display pages.
The system incorporates a comprehensive list of methods, including official and standard methods, that guides the operator in the optimization of parameters based on specific matrices, so that the time for any method development and refinement that is called for can be minimized. Customized methods can then be easily created and stored on the system.


The evaluation of a new investment often includes the costs involved with maintenance as well as operation. ultraWAVE’s Single Reaction Chamber technology introduces a completely new approach to sample preparation that impacts both of these cost areas. The consumables costs have been significantly reduced, moving from complex and expensive digestion vessels to simple and less expensive vials or even disposable glass tubes. Moreover, ultraWAVE 3 leverages Milestone’s 20+ years of experience with SRC technology to further reduce the maintenance costs of the system. The new system construction ensures limited costs that together with a usage-based preventive maintenance program minimize lab costs. When combined with an increase in productivity and the lower operator time required, your ROI has never been higher.