The Fragrances configuration for ETHOS X is based on the solvent-free microwave extraction (SFME) technology for the rapid extraction of essential oils from aromatic herbs, spices and dry seeds, developed at the Laboratory of Chemistry of Natural Substances and Food Sciences at the Université de la Réunion, France (European patents EP 1 439 218, EP 1 618 798 and EP 1 629 725). The ETHOS X performs solvent-free microwave extraction at atmospheric pressure of fragrances, such as essential oils, in plant material. The method involves placing the sample in the microwave reactor, without any added solvent or water. A cooling system outside the microwave continuously condenses the vapors which are collected in a dedicated fragrances glassware. The excess of water is refluxed back to the extraction vessel to restore the in-situ water of the sample.
Once the essential oils have been extracted, they can be analyzed directly by GC-MS without any preliminary clean-up or solvent exchange steps. High quality fragrances are obtained without residual solvents, contaminants and artifacts.