Spectrofluorometers FP-8050 series
The FP-8050 Series is the latest comprehensive range of instruments, developed to provide accurate measurements for bio and material sciences, from a simple entry level model for fluorescence spectral measurements and sensitive quantitation to the advanced models developed for demanding research applications including spectral correction and quantum yields.
The FP-8250 is a high resolution spectrofluorometer with excellent basic performance and functionalities suitable for routine fluorescence analysis especially of liquid sample. The standard Auto-SCS and Auto-Gain features allow measurements in a wide dynamic range with seven-digit linearity. Coupled with SAF-151 One-Drop accessory, the FP-8250 is suitable for micro-volume samples of protein and nucleic acids.
The FP-8350 is a user-friendly spectrofluorometer for multipurpose such as from routine analysis to research study. The FP-8350 can be expanded to accept any optional accessories such as automatic titration unit or microplate reader. Using FP-8350, the most suitable system can be configured for phosphorescence measurement of sample cooled using liquid nitrogen. The automatic cut filter for higher-order diffraction can be provided as standard for accurate spectra without artificial peaks from second order light.
The most important for fluorescence measurement is the sensitivity, the FP-8550 can reach a signal-to-noise up to 8500:1 as RMS and wavelength scan speed achieved is maximum 60,000 nm/min. The high quality spectra based on high resolution with 1 nm spectral bandwidth, the automatic cut filter for higher-order diffraction and accurate spectral correction assure coming new applications such as evaluation of advanced materials, also by using Integrating Spheres for Absolute Quantum Yield evaluation.
The FP-8650 is a spectrofluorometer with PMT for wavelength expansion covering whole range from UV to NIR. The wavelength range from 200 to 850 nm for Ex side and 980 nm for Em side (up to 1010 nm with optional detector) allows measurement of materials which have specific absorption in NIR region such as carbon nanotube. The excellent features including high speed scanning and higher-order diffraction cut function enable to be applied for state-of-the-art research and development such as new application to coming advanced materials.
JASCO has been developing Spectra Manager™ 2.5 Suite of spectroscopy data measurement and analysis software application for more than three decades. The latest version complements the FP-8050 and includes many of the cross-platform tools for our entire range of molecular spectroscopy instruments with many new features that help the user get better data faster and with flexible options to analyze, store and report. The 21 part 11 CFR version of Spectra Manger has also been developed to comply with the latest FDA requirements.