Combines the flexibility of multiple detectors and multiple laser sources to quickly change between measurement modes for fast data acquisition to reduce experimental time.
We developed a number of key technologies to improve measurement efficiency; these include DSF (Dual Spatial Filtration) which optimizes confocal focusing of the objective to reduce aberration and improve spatial resolution, SPRIntS for fast mapping without the necessity of moving the sample stage and SRI (Spatial Resolution Image) for simultaneously viewing the sample image and laser spot.We developed a number of key technologies to improve measurement efficiency; these include DSF (Dual Spatial Filtration) which optimizes confocal focusing of the objective to reduce aberration and improve spatial resolution, SPRIntS for fast mapping without the necessity of moving the sample stage and SRI (Spatial Resolution Image) for simultaneously viewing the sample image and laser spot.
A rigid honeycomb optical base is the foundation of the instrument ensuring alignment and stability. The laser(s), microscope, software-switched optics and a unique aberration-corrected polychromator with CCD detector provide an integrated package that is compact enough to fit on a laboratory bench. Operator safety (Class 1 laser safety) is maintained by a fully enclosed automated sample chamber door. This provides a 120 degree opening for the user to freely access the sample stage and objectives turret when setting up the experiment.
A high resolution color CCD viewing system with synchronized image capture and spectrum measurement enables accurate sample identification and positioning. The data is recorded in the Spectra Manager™ imaging application program and stored in the data file structure for easy reference. For application expansion, an automated multi-grating turret, 2 internally mounted detectors and a maximum of 8 lasers ranging from the UV through the NIR. All optical components are software controlled for maximum flexibility with minimum user interaction once the sample is loaded.
For application expansion, an automated multi-grating turret, 2 internally mounted detectors and a maximum of 8 lasers ranging from the UV through the NIR are capable of integration with the instrument system. All optical components are PC controlled for maximum flexibility with minimum user interaction.
● Exceptional wavenumber accuracy with a high-precision rotary-encoder direct drive mechanism
● Automated XYZ with joystick and mouse/keyboard controlSpectra Manager™ Suite
● Spectra Manager™ operating system for measurement and confocal imaging
● Low wavenumber measurement, close to the Rayleigh scatter(NRS-5600/7600)
● Auto-alignment of microscope laser introduction optics and Raman scattering light path
● Wavenumber calibration using an internal Ne lamp
● Unique Dual Spatial Filter (DSF) providing higher spatial resolution than conventional confocal optics, especially in the Z axis
● Patented Spatial Resolution Image (SRI) function for simultaneous observation of sample image, laser spot and aperture image
Product Specialist
Mats Grapne
"More than 30 years experience in the field of HPLC, Spectroscopy and other analytical equipments. Contact me if you have questions or need a quotation"
The Objective turret can be mounted with a range of objective lenses matched to the measurement range and with a variety of magnification and working distances
Up to 8 lasers (9 wavelengths) each with a selected Edge or Notch filter
Trinocular for direct observation
Laser wavelengths from deep UV to 1064nm
Macro-Raman measurement unit for large liquid and solid samples
Fiber optic probesHeated and cryo-stages
Gas cells
Maximum Resolution
1 cm-1 0.4 cm-1 (optional)
Measurement Range
50 to 8000 cm-1
Maximum Resolution
1 cm-1 0.4 cm-1 (optional)
Measurement Range
10 to 8000 cm-1
The NRS Series for confocal Raman imaging microscopy includes three different optical configurations; the easy to use, yet powerful NRS-4500, with up to three laser wavelengths (from a wide range of visible to NIR) including the common dual laser 532/785nm configuration). The sophisticated NRS-5000 Series, with 300mm spectrograph, offering higher spectral and spatial resolution with the use of dual spatial filtration (DSF) and the NRS-7000 Series with 500mm spectrograph and poly-dispersive options. Both the NRS-5000 and NRS-7000 can be configured with up to 8 lasers (9 wavelengths). All models include Class 1 laser safety as standard and share the same comprehensive Spectra Manager™ Suite of measurement and micro-imaging software.
System Features NRS-4500/5000/7000 series
● High accuracy spectral resolution, with the use of rotary encoders for the grating drive mechanism to as little as 0.3cm-1 per pixel
● High spatial resolution with 0.1µm step, using the automated XYX stage (actual resolution depends on laser wavelength and objective magnification and N.A.)
● QRi (Quick Raman imaging) – a combination of EMCCD with an ultra-fast XYZ stage giving 0.1µm step resolution QRI increases the data acquisition speed by up to 50x compared with a conventional mapping stage and also offers a significant improvement in sensitivity. Available on all models
● SPRinTS (Software Programmable Raman Integration Speed) which uses Vertiscan to scan the laser through the objective to map samples that are likely to move using a conventional mapping stage, such as liquids and suspensions. Available on the NRS-5000 and NRS-7000 models only
● Long working distance stage and objectives, for larger samples and temperature control and high pressure accessories
● Optional fiber probe interface for external measurements
● Macro objective for measurement of powders and liquids
● Patented Fluorescence Rejection, an algorithm to reduce or eliminate fluorescence an enhance Raman measurement. Available on all models
● Spectra Manager™ Imaging Suite with KnowItAll®, for comprehensive measurement, analysis and reporting. The cross platform software includes the same feature for all NRS models with many options for chemometrics, spectral analysis, etc.